
Welcome to my photography portfolio.

A little Chamomille flower

A little Chamomille flower

A proud mom and her son

A proud mom and her son

And they lived happily ever after

And they lived happily ever after

Black Cat at Viejo San Juan

Black Cat at Viejo San Juan

Black Cat

Black Cat

Cat in the rain

Cat in the rain



Chess and books

Chess and books

Cookie, my dog

Cookie, my dog

Deep eyes

Deep eyes

Eyes blue

Eyes blue

Flowers from my garden

Flowers from my garden

Future basketball star

Future basketball star

Hello! My name is Nina Sofia

Hello! My name is Nina Sofia

Midnight Part I

Midnight Part I

Midnight Part II

Midnight Part II

Love Story

Love Story

Mirror mirror on the wall

Mirror mirror on the wall

Mom to be

Mom to be

My babys

My babys

My mom

My mom

Passion fruits

Passion fruits

Photographic Sesion with a model

Photographic Sesion with a model

Roses are red...

Roses are red...

Two birds in a Palm tree

Two birds in a Palm tree

Wedding day

Wedding day

